Tibetian reki

Best Tibetian reki course in pune
What you will learn in this course
Level – 1 Initiation
- What is Reiki?
- Introduction to Reiki
- Features of Reiki
- Uses of Reiki
- How Reiki works
- How much time do you have to spend daily for Reiki?
- Reiki White Magic
- Reiki is everywhere in the universe and cannot be used
- History of Tibetan Reiki
- Differences between Usui Reiki and Tibetan Reiki
- Importance of Tibetan Reiki
- What are the Chakras in our body?
- How are the seven chakras formed?
- How to balance the chakras ?
- Where do all the problems and obstacles in your life come from?
- What you have to do to solve the problems and remove obstacles ?
- How to take / give Reiki?
- Gratitude method
- Reiki Self Treatment – Touch Therapy
- Meditation workout treatment
- Meditations 10 min / 20 min / 45 min
- Reiki Partner Treatment – Touch Therapy
Level – 2 Initiation Kundalini awakening & Third Eye activation
- 12 symbolic powers
- Use of each power
- Experience of using each power
- Making sandwiches of symbols
- How to make different sandwiches for different cases
- Self Healing Making Protection shield for your self and others
- How to do daily sadhana?
- Doing 7 Chakra cleaning
- Different meditations of Reiki
- Different meditations for all All kinds of diseases
- To keep the mind calm
- To increase concentration
- For children to study / exam and to increase concentration and interest of children in studies
- To help children succeed in sports
- To increase the flow of Reiki
- To keep annoying people away
- If bosses and other co-workers in the office are bothering you, keep them away
- Keeping the negative energy away / remove negative energy
- To get rid of depression
- To remove emotional blockages
- To increase confidence
- For a good relationship
- To correct a broken relationship
- To keep the environment in the house calm
- To find the right partner in life
- For job / interview
- For business
- To achieve your goals
- To improve materialistic life
- To solve financial problems
- To reduce debt
- To get back the stuck money
- To increase financial flow
- To find lost items
- Giving Reiki to an event
- Activation of Third Eye
- Scan a person & body in 3rd eye, seeing where it hurts, what is happening
- Scanning the partner's house in class
- Identify other people's favorite dish and color in the class
- Reiki to Vastu
- Purification of Vastu
- Provide protection shield to the house
level 3- Initiation 28 symbols, Usage of each symbol, Using every symbol, Sandwich of different symbols of third level
- How to do daily Sadhana?
- Sapta Chakra –
- To increase the activation of chakras to a great extent
- Detailed information about each chakra
- To work on any one chakra and balance it
- Meditation on each chakra
- Different – Meditations
- To increase the flow of Reiki for physical, mental and spiritual progress
- Instant healing on any body part
- Increasing the energy carrying capacity of the body if the Reiki flow is too high
- Removing all emotional obstacles by working especially on the heart chakra and achieving spiritual and physical balance
- If there is a big emotional blockage that is bothering you, remove it
- Removal of any kind of physical mental emotional obstacles
- Destroy ego from us
- To attract luck to work for anything and get that thing
- If you have seen someone’s vision, remove it
- Achieving very large amount of prosperity
- To remove the viruses of any kind of diseases from the body
- To protect yourself on a spiritual level while in Sadhana
- To take quick protection in times of need
- When giving Reiki for an important or serious case suddenly increase the flow of Reiki greatly as needed
- Balance your Reiki energy by increasing or decreasing when treating anyone
- To increase the effectiveness of medicines, creams, lotions
- Relaxing the muscles when there is swelling or stiffness or swelling in the legs
- Vastu Purification of a particular place/corner in the house
- Treating heel pain and soles
- Discovering why you came into Reiki in this life
- Treating nature, planting trees, suddenly raining a lot, if nature shows its violent form, then healing it
- To awaken love and trust in relationships
- Scanning the aura to examine the other person
Level 4 – Karuna Reiki initiation
- 17 Grand Symbols
- Information on the use of each symbol and its application
- Sandwiching different symbols
- Past Life Scanning – Looking at past life relationships of troubling events in this life
- Enhancing the ability to think positively
- Doubling Reiki Energy
- Grounding the energy
- Enhancing decision making capacity
- Going into any past life
- Healing many painful things from past lives in this life
- Releasing Past Life Karma
- Purifying the heart chakra
- Balancing all chakras
- Establishing peace at any moment
- Acceleration of any work to be able to clear unfinished works
- Enhancing intellectual abilities, leveling up, connecting with Higher Self
- Union with Higher Self and Higher Soul
- Cleansing the mind Increases work Increases positive attitude
- Taking a higher level protection shield to ward off any kind of intense negativity
- Vastu Purification and Protection
- Increase inner strength, efficiency, intuition
- Fulfilling all good wishes
- For financial prosperity
- To experience actual Kundalini awakening
- Making your soul move towards salvation
- For the upliftment and evolution of the soul
- For the transmigration of the soul after death
Level 5 – Master Level, Another 30 symbols are sealed on the body at the time of initiation, The tradition of Reiki, Reiki and the 5 elements
- What is Kundalini?
- What is Aura Body? Detailed information about each aura body.
- What is initiation? How to initiate the first two levels?
- How to take a class?
- color therapy
- Guiding a Reiki Circle
- Kundalini Activation of Second Level,
- Activating the3rd eye chakra, (awakening the transcendental vision), purifying all the chakras, is taught how to do this.
- Some more important things –
- Draining of painful emotions from previous births.
- Aura cleaning, aura healing.
- To suddenly increase the flow of Reiki to a large extent while healing any critical patient.
- Balancing the Feminine and Masculine aspects of a person.
- Protecting the house from negative forces.
- Treating some serious diseases.
- Treating the mind.
- Anesthetize a person during healing.
- Healing if poisoned
- To protect oneself and the subtle body while sitting in Sadhana.
- Astral body travel
- Connecting oneself with divine powers.
- Enhancing the power of the awakened Kundalini Shakti. Balancing the Kundalini.
- Understanding messages and guidance from divine forces.
- Making spiritual progress.
- Healing at your own cellular level.
- Seeing Atma Jyoti.
- Making more and more progress in the journey of Sadhana.
Level – 6 Teramai Reiki
- 20 Powerful Symbols of Gautam Buddha
- Introduction to the 5 Golden Symbols
- Increasing the power of each chakra from Crown Chakra to Root
- Working on the Emotional Aura Body.
- Creating a Golden Protection Shield.
- Getting the answer to any seemingly impossible question in life.
- Treating chronic diseases like cancer.
- Go into the Angel Realm and seek guidance on the question.
- Reaching your goal in Sadhana.
- Opening the Sahastradhara Chakra and increasing strength.
- Generating energy balls on each chakra
- Opens the Soul Star Chakra
- Aura Cleaning by Angels.
Level 7 Sechim Reiki
- 6 powerful symbols
- During Sadhana going up into the Space and doing sadhana there and coming down again.
- Seeking divine vision or Spiritual guidance from a Divine Guru.
- Divya Jyoti was seen.
- Elevating the soul. Unraveling the divine aspect.
- Balancing Yin Yang Energy.
- Attracting all kinds of prosperity.
- Getting a high quality protection shield in the meditation and experience it.
Level 8 – Channelled Reiki
- 16 Powerful Symbols
- Opening the channel of all memories from past lives.
- Purification of the soul.
- Finding peace of mind.
- Having treatment for fertility.
- Bringing out the true nature of a troublesome person.
- looking at self
- Removing unnecessary relationship cords.
- Change attitude and attitude to keep mind and mood good.
- Being able to decide what is right and wrong for you, so that future risks are avoided.
- Clearing the mind. Clearing the garbage of unnecessary thoughts in all births.
- Aura Body Cleansing.
- Improve eye sight. Elimination of eye disorders.
- Treatment of comatose persons, autistic
- To develop all kinds of abilities of oneself.
- Working on the Mental Body.
- Improving personnel relations.
- Connecting with divine powers.
- Increases Kundalini power.
- Healing on the spine.
Level 9 – Non-Traditional Reiki
- 6 Powerfull Symbols
- Healing Frozen Shoulder.
- Clearing the negative energy that surrounds you in a huge amount. And put away from you.
- Healing depression.
- Healing digestive disorders.
- Opening, balancing the Shastradhara Chakra, increasing its potency.
Level 10 – Kagami Reiki
- 8 Powerful Symbols
- Integrating oneself physically and spiritually.
- To acquire something on a very large scale.
- Lose weight.
- Cleansing the troublesome karma of past births. Reducing Karma Bhog.
- Taking a high-quality protection shield.
- Summoning the spirit of any nearby dead person. (Only if there is a needful )
Level 11 – Reiki Grand Master
- Grand Master’s Initiation
- Initiation of all levels from level 3 to