Money Magnet

Best money magnet course in pune

What you will learn in this course

  1. What is money?
  2. Working of subconscious mind
  3. Rooting in your subconscious mind what you want
  4. Money Blue Print Test
  5. Money Blue Print Task Result
  6. The reason why you got such a blueprint
  7. Three ways to increase financial vibrations
  8. Muladhar Chakra
  9. Rashi Beeja Mantra for complete progress
  10. Out of all kinds of obstacles
  11. Divya Pitrutarpan ritual
  12. Arigato Money
  13. Ancient Buddha Mantra of Manifestation
  14. Financial symbols
  15. Economically Vastu Shastra
  1. Different ways to keep Lakshmi stable in the house
  2. Remove psychic attacks of the house
  3. Shri Yantra
  4. Navratri Sadhana
  5. Help from Angels
  6. Energy Circles
  7. Switch words
  8. Different crystals
  9. Astro – Numerology
  10. Money Mojo Bag
  11. Zibu Symbols
  12. Solutions for debt relief
  13. Solutions to recover stuck money
  14. Various solutions for attaining Lakshmi
  15. Solutions for business growth