Angel Therapy

Best Angel Therapy course in Pune
What you will learn in this course
- Angel Therapy Introduction
What are angels?
What is angel therapy?
What is angel healing?
What do angels look like?
Are angels always with you?
Enlisting the help of angels
- What are Guardian Angels and Arch Angels?
- How do we know that Angels are around us?
- Different Ways to Connect with Angels
- 20 different types of archangels, their specific functions and uses
- Wings of Angels and their meaning
- 9 Branches of Angels
- Meditation – 5 Senses Activation
- Meditation – angel attunement & invocation
- Meditation – For beauty enhancement
- Meditation – For toxins, physical pain, mental, psychological problems
- Meditation – For Black magic & negativity
- Contacting Angels Directly
Calling them according to their work
- Energy Protection and Shielding Process and Meditation
- Meditation – Removal of egoic fears
- Meditation – Vastu Purification with the help of Angels
- Meditation – Angel Color Reading
- Meditation – Removal of Psychic Attacks and Hooks
- Meditation – Removal of curses in any birth
- Angels – According to Four Tattvas, Direction, War, Zodiac, and Symbol
- Connecting with Angels before Healing
- Distance Healing with the Help of Angels
Meditation – for yourself
Meditation – for another person
Healing by sitting directly in front of the client for meditation
- Techniques – Removal of negative emotions like – Anger, Regret, Irritation, Fear, Phobia, Depression, Anxiety
- Meditation – To eliminate all the above
- Meditation – Angel Crystal Connection
- Writing a letter to the Guardian Angel
- Meditation – Asking Angelic Elevators to help you with a very important task
- Meditation – Forgiving all
- Calling angels or dreams
- Seeking Angel’s Help for Career and Life Purposes
- Seeking Angel’s Help for Relationships
For love life
For best friendship
For family members
For relationships with children
- Benefits of Angel’s Guidance
- Information about Sapta Chakras and Chakra Purification
- Praying to angels
- Angel Candle Healing
- Angel Card Reading
How to see the meaning of each card
Single Card Reading
3 Card Reading for Past, Present, Future
3 card reading for different types of questions
- Angel Reiki System
4 Arch Angels and Reiki Symbols
Angel Reiki Prayers and Healing Sessions
- Enlisting the help of an angel to find a lost object
- Angel Spell
Business Spell
Money spell
Study Spell
Protection spell
Luck spell
Health spell
Relationship Spell
Black Magic Remove Spell
- Angel Hosting
- Angel Numbers & their meaning