Angel Therapy

Best Angel Therapy course in Pune

What you will learn in this course

      1. Angel Therapy Introduction

               What are angels?

              What is angel therapy?

              What is angel healing?

             What do angels look like?

             Are angels always with you?

             Enlisting the help of angels

      1. What are Guardian Angels and Arch Angels?
      2. How do we know that Angels are around us?
      3. Different Ways to Connect with Angels
      4. 20 different types of archangels, their specific functions and uses
      5. Wings of Angels and their meaning
      6. 9 Branches of Angels
      7. Meditation – 5 Senses Activation
      8. Meditation – angel attunement & invocation
      9. Meditation – For beauty enhancement
      10. Meditation – For toxins, physical pain, mental, psychological problems
      11. Meditation – For Black magic & negativity
      12. Contacting Angels Directly

            Calling them according to their work

      1. Energy Protection and Shielding Process and Meditation
      2. Meditation – Removal of egoic fears
      3. Meditation – Vastu Purification with the help of Angels
      4. Meditation – Angel Color Reading
      5. Meditation – Removal of Psychic Attacks and Hooks
      6. Meditation – Removal of curses in any birth
      7. Angels – According to Four Tattvas, Direction, War, Zodiac, and Symbol
      8. Connecting with Angels before Healing
      9. Distance Healing with the Help of Angels

             Meditation – for yourself

             Meditation – for another person

             Healing by sitting directly in front of the client for meditation

  1. Techniques – Removal of negative emotions like – Anger, Regret, Irritation, Fear, Phobia, Depression, Anxiety
  2. Meditation – To eliminate all the above
  3. Meditation – Angel Crystal Connection
  4. Writing a letter to the Guardian Angel
  5. Meditation – Asking Angelic Elevators to help you with a very important task
  6. Meditation – Forgiving all
  7. Calling angels or dreams
  8. Seeking Angel’s Help for Career and Life Purposes
  9. Seeking Angel’s Help for Relationships

       For love life

      For best friendship

      For family members

      For relationships with children

  1. Benefits of Angel’s Guidance
  2. Information about Sapta Chakras and Chakra Purification
  3. Praying to angels
  4. Angel Candle Healing
  5. Angel Card Reading

      How to see the meaning of each card

     Single Card Reading

    3 Card Reading for Past, Present, Future

    3 card reading for different types of questions

  1. Angel Reiki System


      4 Arch Angels and Reiki Symbols

       Angel Reiki Prayers and Healing Sessions

  1. Enlisting the help of an angel to find a lost object
  2. Angel Spell

       Business Spell

      Money spell

      Study Spell

      Protection spell

      Luck spell

      Health spell

     Relationship Spell

     Black Magic Remove Spell

  1. Angel Hosting
  2. Angel Numbers & their meaning